The Red Wren

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In Bloom

I enjoy the challenge of Blogtoberfest but I am finding it a little challenging to post about sewing and craft every single day, especially when I haven’t done any sewing since Tuesday, so expect  ...

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The April Garden

Autumn is settling in, the leaves are changing colour Pumpkins and zucchini are fruiting, but it’s now a race against the cool weather to ripen. Planting them earlier this year will work out better.

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The March Garden

We have a nice haul of corn and zucchini The sunflowers are out Tomatoes are appearing (note: they were planted far too late) Eggplants are being harvested What’s left of my crepe myrtle is in  ...

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The January Garden

You read that correctly – the January garden! I haven’t blogged about much at all on this blog this year and I would like to rectify that, so I’m going to do a series of catch up posts, then get  ...

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Gardening, Update

In the garden

I’m testing an iPhone app to see if I can publish reasonable looking photos to here straight from my phone. It will make things do much faster if I don’t have to upload everything to  ...

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A wrap up and a dragon fly

I neglected to wrap-up Blogtoberfest on the 31st. A cranky baby got the better of me and that was the end of that. I had said pretty much all I wanted to on Sunday’s post though. So there goes  ...

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