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The tree!

This evening was spent decorating the trees and various surrounds. Not quite finished yet (it’s amazing how much mess one makes whilst decorating), but the results thus far are now post worthy!

If you’d like to see a picture full size, click on it, then click on it again – the gallery tends to chop parts off!

From top left:

1. The enchanted forest tree! A small tree that sits on the buffet.  Not quite finished as I’m making more decorations for it!

2. The big tree! This one is 7ft and takes hours to decorate! It’s finished at last!

3. Train and pinecones under the tree – who can spot the inquisitive cat?

4. The fire place – excuse the flash it’s the only way I could get a decent shot. This was taken before I went nuts scattering pine cones around!

5 and 6. Handmade felt decorations. I’m addicted to making these at present!

I look forward to seeing your Christmas decorations!

1 Comment

  1. jo

    December 3, 2008 at 8:01 am

    Hi Renae, Thank you so much for the gorgeous apron! I loved it all, it was like Christmas. I tore into the package and was so delighted at every little thing. Love the gingerbread man, and absolutely adore the hand made tree ornaments!! I hope you were as excited tearing into your apron swap package!

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