
Veg About!

I was excited yesterday to discover that Bellgirl is having a Veg About over at her blog.

This means I have an excuse to post even more pictures of the veggie patch! Yay!

For those who discover my veggie patch via the Veg About here’s a quick summary of the patch so far:

  • We live on a sub-division – read hardly any backyard with lots of shadow, however our front yard is big and north facing- the perfect place for a veggie patch.
  • We put two raised beds in with sleeper edging
  • Currently we have tomatoes, zucchini’s, lettuce, Broccoli, capsicum, spring onions, leeks, celery, spinach, various herbs and onions. We also have peas (more about those below!)
  • Our bed is mulched with pea straw- I’m sure some of you can guess what is coming?!
  • We are inundated with peas!!

The theme of today’s veggie update is PEAS!

I’m not fond of peas however a passer by may mistakenly think that we are pea-crazy. There’s peas in the flower beds, peas in the lawn, peas every where. We have no idea what sort of peas, they were freebies in the peas straw!

From l-r we have:

peas on the mound, peas in the patch, more peas in the patch, peas in the lawn, a male zucchini flower, a marigold, another marigold, the zucchinis, a general view, the parsley, a celery and lucky last is the first tomato!

So far we’ve eaten spinach, lettuce and herbs. The rest a a while away yet.


  1. Bellgirl

    November 11, 2008 at 11:08 am

    Ooh male zucchini flowers, not long now! What a great photospread. you can eat the peashoots in salads or sandwiches, yum!

  2. Hollyhock Hollow » Blog Archive » » Peas

    December 8, 2008 at 7:24 pm

    […] few week ago I wrote about being innundated with peas. This has proved to be a good thing given the way our other vegetables are […]

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