The Red Wren

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Sewing and Craft

Sewing and Craft


I find it quite hard to believe it’s October tomorrow. It’s less than two weeks until my 35th birthday, and it’s less than 24 hours until this years’ Blogtoberfest! If you’ve followed me for a  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Finished projects

Here’s some assorted finished projects from the last couple of months. Clockwise from top left: A car seat organiser for a friend. I was really pleased with this; she gave me a list of the kinds  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Wee Play Quilt

Here’s a project that’s been in progress for a rather long time! I first posted about the Wee Play charm squares over two years ago, I decided what to do with them a week or so later, then I lost  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Winter coats

  Finished! Two winter coats for Elijah. These were both made using the Sidewalk Jacket pattern by Owlybaby. I made a few alterations such as adding the contrast cuff, and changing the  ...

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