The Red Wren


Veggie Patch!

This weekend was spent installing and planting seedlings in our veggie patch! Never mind that it isn’t quite planting time yet, we’ll see how it goes! We put the garden in our front yard as it is about 4 times the size of our backyard and our house is north facing so lots of light for the veggies! A small selection of the photos I took of the progress! So far we have planted; tomatoes; marigolds; spinach; zucchini; capsicum; lettuce; broccoli; spring onion; oregano; parsley and  ...

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Food & Recipes

D is for Dinner ~ Lemon and Garlic Chicken

Tonight we had lemon and garlic chicken with a side of cous cous. It was quite tasty! Recipe: Chicken thighs Flour olive oil fresh oregano garlic (I used jar stuff) chicken stock lemon x2 Coat chicken with flour and brown in a pan with olive oil, transfer to a oven dish. Make up 125ml of  ...

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Sewing and Craft

A challenge

I’ve set myself a goal this week; ‘A project a day’. Every day I’m aiming to create something. It doesn’t have to be a big thing, just a something thing. Stay tuned!

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Sewing and Craft

Craft day!

The craft day was a big success and will definitely be happening again shortly. I began my embroidery (I managed to transfer the design to calico by holding it up to the window, thanks for the suggestion!) but discovered rather rapidly that I need practise and lots of it! I abandoned the  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Craft Day

I’m having a craft day at my place on Sunday which I’m quite excited about. I’ve never hosted a craft day before! I’ve thought about what to make and have decided I’ll start my embroidery project. What is my embroidery project? I’ll tell you! I bought a  ...

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Sewing and Craft


The fabric I ordered from Etsy last Thursday arrived yesterday. From America. They posted it on ‘their’ Thursday and it was here by Monday! Wow! I’m so excited as it’s the Jessica Jones fabric that I’m re-upholstering my daggy old fluffy pink dresser chair with.  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Bag making on a Sunday afternoon…

I’ve had some lovely Sandi Henderson “Ginger Blossom” fabric sitting around for a month or so now dying to be made into something. Today it became a bag. It took a few hours to make this as I don’t believe in using patterns most of the time, so I adjust as I go.  ...

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