The Red Wren

Sewing and Craft

spam gone and crafty goodness

I seem to have resolved the spam issue- I had a plug-in called Akismet installed on wordpress which works really well, but somewhere between installing the new version and now I had inactivated it. It’s now reactivated and has caught all the spam so I don’t have to moderate it. Yay! Thanks to those who gave advice :) Now onto crafty goodness which I realise I haven’t posted much of lately. I’m working on too many projects so there’s a distinct lack of finished  ...

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Life and Outings

Advice please…

This blog is hosted by Acenet – my webspace provider and my domain is registered. I made the move from blogs hosted at both Blogger and WordPress a few months back, but I’m wondering if it was a mistake. My main reason for the move was to consolidate my blogs and use the webspace  ...

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Our Home, Sewing and Craft

A fabulous idea (that wasn’t mine!)

A few days ago I went hunting for a cute calendar for 2009. As those of you in Australia will know, Etsy has become just that little bit unaffordable since the dollar dropped and most of the awesome calendars I saw were located in America. Then I discovered printable PDF calendars!  You buy the  ...

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Sewing and Craft


I’m not an embroiderer, I cannot form a french knot, my daisy chain is messy and my blanket stitch leaves a lot to be desired. However, I do like to give things a go and after pondering over an embroidery magazine for a few weeks I decided to stitch something: He’s not quite  ...

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Food & Recipes

Look what we had for dinner!

The thing I love about fritatta is that you can pretty much do anything at all with it and it will turn out yummy. Tonight I tried my hand at creating a fritatta with a polenta base. I love polenta so it seemed like a good idea…and it was! If you’d like to have a go at your own  ...

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Veg About!

I was excited yesterday to discover that Bellgirl is having a Veg About over at her blog. This means I have an excuse to post even more pictures of the veggie patch! Yay! For those who discover my veggie patch via the Veg About here’s a quick summary of the patch so far: We live on a  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Christmas ornaments

A few weeks ago I began to make some ornaments. Today I finished them and let’s just say they’re a bit.. rustic. I originally thought they might hang on my tree but due to the overall wonkiness they shall be door hangers and I shall scent them with Christmas inspired oils to make  ...

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Life and Outings

Farmer’s Market -Croydon Part II

Today we went and visited the new Farmer’s Market in Croydon. I thought it was great! There were roughly 20 stalls which I felt was a good number for the first market and most of them were running out of produce by roughly 10am as they hadn’t anticipated just how popular they would  ...

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Our Home

Christmas decoration planning…

Image courtesy of Ward Jenkins If you like the above image I suggest you go look at the rest of the set! They’re wonderful! A perhaps overlooked object for me to adorn with Christmas decorations which is to be the focus of this post, is the front door. In Australia or at least my neck of  ...

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